Paula Porteiro coordinates the Corporate advisory practice team. Her work is focused on providing advice to small, medium-sized and large enterprises as regards different issues in the Civil and Commercial field, including corporate organization and administration, due diligence processes, shareholders’ agreements, corporate restructuring and negotiation and elaboration of contracts.
Moreover, Paula has experience in the intellectual property, data protection and environmental law areas.
Her work is based on civil and commercial advisory practice to different types of business companies. She regularly elaborates corporate documents, such as minutes of board of directors meetings and shareholders’ meetings, amendment of bylaws, communication of beneficial owners to the Central Bank of Uruguay.
Paula has significant experience in due diligence processes, stock purchase and sale agreements, M&A, among others.
Furthermore, she also renders assistance as regards different issues encompassed by Corporate Law, as well as regards the elaboration and negotiation of commercial contracts providing advice in areas of special interest, such as intellectual property, personal data protection and environmental law.
• Master’s Degree in Intellectual and Industrial Property and New Technologies, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
• Specialist in Civil Law with a major in Contracts, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
• Doctor of Law, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
The following publications are noteworthy:
• “Sobre la necesidad de incorporar a nuestro Ordenamiento Jurídico una cláusula resolutoria implícita” (Private Law Uruguayan Journal – Number 2 – June 2021).
• El “experto en la materia” de patentes de invención y el análisis del TCA en aspectos probatorios (Platform of the Attorney)
• Protección del Formato Televisivo por el Derecho de Autor (Civil Law Doctrine and Case Law, coauthor)