Attorney at Law – Notary Public

Dr. Javier Fernández

Javier Fernández coordinates the Notarial Division. His work is focused on elaborating and analyzing different contracts and public and private documents, and on structuring businesses.

He is also responsible for the analysis of complex cases and situations, as well as for providing appropriate comprehensive advice to clients from a litigation, corporate, administrative and notarial point of view.


Javier advises clients on a daily basis as regards contracts and operations, as well as regards the elaboration of documents within his practice focus, and he counsels clients in litigation and administrative proceedings.

He has extensive experience in designing strategies aimed at meeting clients’ interests as regards issues that must be addressed from several points of view.

He has focused his work on the elaboration of contracts, complex administrative documents and proceedings, related to the fuel and energy, automotive industry, real estate and condominium sectors.

Practice Focus

He practices on the fuel and energy area, and acts as an active link between clients and different Government and private agencies, undertaking the analysis and elaboration of complex contracts and managing the relation between the different contracts.

In the notarial field, Javier focuses on structuring real estate transactions.


• Notary Public, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
• Attorney at Law, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
• He has completed a PhD in Legal Studies at the Universidad Católica Argentina.

Academic Activity

He was Professor of “Theory and practice of argumentation” (2014 a 2018), Universidad Católica del Uruguay.