Attorney at Law

Dra. Sofía Matteo

Sofía Matteo is a member of the Corporate advisory practice team. Her work is focused on providing corporate and contract advice to domestic and foreign companies.

She advises clients in the Civil and Commercial Law field, as regards analysis, negotiation and elaboration of civil and commercial contracts related to different activity areas, as well as due diligence processes.

She actively participates in the elaboration of legal opinions related to different Private Law matters.


Sofía has experience in reviewing and elaborating contracts and in providing advice to clients of different sectors. Furthermore, she has been involved in contentious issues related to government agencies.


• Doctor of Law and Social Sciences. School of Law, Universidad de la República.
• Candidate for Assigned Professor of Obligations and Contracts, General Theory of Civil Liability and Specific Contracts subjects. School of Law, Universidad de la República.

Academic Activity

• She has participated as a speaker in Conferences on Private Law.


Author of articles in the Private Law field. She has collaborated in updating a work related to the Corporate Law field.